
publications by categories in reversed chronological order. generated by jekyll-scholar.


  1. Performance Enhancement of a Morphing Limb for an Amphibious Robotic Turtle
    Jiefeng Sun, Brandon Lin, Luis A Ramirez, and 5 more authors
    In 2024 IEEE 7th International Conference on Soft Robotics (RoboSoft) , 2024
  2. Self-Amputating and Interfusing Machines
    Bilige Yang, Amir Mohammadi Nasab, Stephanie Woodman, and 4 more authors
    Advanced Materials, 2024


  1. Evolving variable stiffness fiber patterns for multi-shape robotic sheets
    Atoosa Parsa, Medha Goyal, Maggy Lambo, and 3 more authors
    In 2023 IEEE International Conference on Soft Robotics (RoboSoft) , 2023
  2. wearable_display.gif
    Wearable 3D Shape Display for Dynamic Interfaces Rendering
    Bilige Yang, Benjamin Stephens-Fripp, Priyanshu Agarwal, and 4 more authors
    In 2023 IEEE World Haptics Conference (WHC) , 2023
  3. Kirigami layer jamming
    Robert Baines, Bilige Yang, Luis A Ramirez, and 1 more author
    Extreme Mechanics Letters, 2023


  1. Effect of filler aspect ratio on stiffness and conductivity in phase-changing particulate composites
    Amir Mohammadi Nasab, Trevor L Buckner, Bilige Yang, and 1 more author
    Advanced Materials Technologies, 2022


  1. Shape changing robots: bioinspiration, simulation, and physical realization
    Dylan Shah, Bilige Yang, Sam Kriegman, and 3 more authors
    Advanced Materials, 2021
  2. shape_match.gif
    Shape matching: Evolving fiber constraints on a pneumatic bilayer
    Bilige Yang, Joshua Powers, Atoosa Parsa, and 2 more authors
    In 2021 IEEE 4th International Conference on Soft Robotics (RoboSoft) , 2021
  3. tensile.jpg
    Reprogrammable soft actuation and shape-shifting via tensile jamming
    Bilige Yang, Robert Baines, Dylan Shah, and 4 more authors
    Science Advances, 2021